Shuttles&Co – V2X for Cities

Autonomous driving in Berlin is the subject of the BMVI-funded project Shuttle&Co. Here VMZ takes an urban perspective and our task is to do research on how autonomous vehicles and urban traffic management can interact and optimize each other.

Mobility Concept for Marzahn-Hellersdorf

<p>The VMZ Berlin develops an integrated traffic concept for the district Marzahn-Hellersdorf. On the basis of a comprehensive analysis, deficits and potentials of the transport systems are to be identified. With regard to the structural development of the district, possible courses of action for the future design of the mobility of residents and commuters will be developed.</p>

Traffic Modelling

<p><p>Forecasts cannot be measured. Traffic models reproduce decisions made by users, as they are to be expected in particular under changing conditions (e.g. growth of the city). With the help of transport modelling, the decision-makers can check the effects of various transport policy measures ex ante on the basis of transport models and make precise decisions based on these (e.g. shortening the intervals between trains).</p></p>

Strategies for E-Mobility

<p>Electromobility is a critical building block in the transportation revolution. VMZ helps you estimate the opportunities: Where is there concrete potential for your municipality, your city, or your region? What is the current status of charging infrastructure and where is there a need for expanding it? How can we make better use of existing infrastructure? Which locations are suitable for increasing capacities?</p>

Intermodal Route Planner

The VMZ’s route planner calculates the best path – according to the criterion of your choice: duration, distance, cost or environmental cost (CO2 emissions). This production-tested module for apps and info systems can be individualized at the project level. Upon request we will include external routing data from sources like Google and TomTom.